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Talent: Using Microcredentials to Close the Gap Between Academics and Workforce Readiness

Discover how employers and K-12 educators can collaborate to create microcredentials for technical and soft skills that define and validate workforce-ready skills. Learn about a web-based microcredentialing and digital portfolio application that provides the framework for students to develop the skills employers are looking for.

February 18, 10:45-11:45 a.m. Breakout Session
Room: Roosevelt

Session Description

Discover how employers and K-12 educators can collaborate to create microcredentials for technical and soft skills that define and validate workforce-ready skills. Learn about a web-based microcredentialing and digital portfolio application that provides the framework for students to develop the skills employers are looking for.

Who should attend: K-12 educators, career and technical education, and employers

Session Presenters

Michael Stone is the Vice President of Innovative Learning with Public Education Foundation. Michael leads PEF’s Innovation Hub, where he coordinates various programs focused on offering transformative professional development opportunities for in-service teachers. Since joining PEF in July 2016, he has led several signature initiatives, including the development and integration of Volkswagen eLabs, STEM Fellows, Teacherpreneur, and the Chattanooga Fab(rication) Institute. Michael also serves as the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network regional hub lead.

Michael joined PEF following a one-year appointment as an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow at the National Science Foundation in Washington, DC, where he worked to support NSF’s efforts to broaden participation in rigorous computer science education across the nation. He began his education career in 2006 as a science teacher and basketball coach at Hamilton Heights Christian Academy before joining the staff at East Hamilton Middle High School as an advanced math and computer science teacher in 2009. Michael’s last stint in the classroom was 2014-2015 as the PBL and Fab Lab Director at STEM School Chattanooga. Michael earned a BS in Computer Science with minors in mathematics and history secondary education from Bryan College in 2005. He holds an MA in Instructional Leadership from Tennessee Technological University and was selected to participate in the Research Experience for Teachers in Software Engineering at Vanderbilt University in 2012. Michael has authored two books, “Oh! That’s Education?” and “Let Me Try It!” He enjoys public speaking and has had the opportunity to present in several unique venues including engagements at the White House, NASA Headquarters, NSF, and the Boston Museum of Science.

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