Celebrating the hard work, innovation, and collaboration moving the Indiana Uplands toward a more prosperous future.

Whether you are an employer, educator, community leader, economic development organization, workforce development professional, nonprofit, or just curious about the Uplands, put February 18 on your calendar. ROI will celebrate the hard work, innovation, and collaboration that is moving the Indiana Uplands, our Region on the Rise, toward a more prosperous future! For questions, please contact info@regionalopportunityinc.org.

Abbreviated Annual Report to the Region Schedule

Tuesday, February 18, French Lick Resort Conference Center

8:30 a.m– Registration and Check-In
9:00 a.m.– ROI’s Annual Report to the Region
10:45 a.m.– Morning Breakout Sessions
11:45 a.m.– Lunch, Keynote, & Regional Innovation Awards
1:45 p.m.– Afternoon Working Sessions
3:30 p.m.– Event Concludes

Session Descriptions

8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Registration and Check-In (Room: Windsor Business Center)

Arrive early to pick up your badge and network with fellow attendees.

9:00 – 10:30 a.m. ROI’s Annual Report to the Region (Room: Windsor A & B)

In this opening session, ROI will share stories of success, highlighting innovative strategies driving sector growth and outcomes in education, workforce, and quality of place across the region. A panel will also share their perspectives on national trends and opportunities in talent and workforce impacting the Indiana Uplands and beyond.

Presenters: Tina Peterson, ROI; Tim George, Pathemy Strategies; Dennis Trinkle, Ph.D., TechPoint, and Todd Hurst, Ph.D., Indiana Chamber of Commerce. Read more about these presenters.

10:45 – 11:45 a.m. Morning Breakout Sessions

Talent: Using Microcredentials to Close the Gap Between Academics and Workforce Readiness (Room: Roosevelt)

Discover how employers and K-12 educators can collaborate to create microcredentials for technical and soft skills that define and validate workforce-ready skills. Learn about a web-based microcredentialing and digital portfolio application that provides the framework for students to develop the skills employers are looking for.

Presenter: Michael Stone, Public Education Foundation. Read more about this presenter.

Who should attend: K-12 educators, career and technical education, and employers

Talent: Meaningful Employer and Education Partnerships – Weaving Industry into the Fabric of Learning (Room: Johnson)

This session will highlight how an employer and a school district are working together to build mutually beneficial partnerships that help retain talent and strengthen local communities. Leave with actionable strategies that can be applied immediately, whether you are an educator, employer, or community leader. Don’t miss the chance to learn from a local employer how industry and education partnerships can create lasting impact in your community.

Presenters: Russ Sage, Jasper Group; Apryl Kidd, Collaboration of Shoals, Mitchell, and Orleans Schools; and Kim Waldridge, ROI. Read more about these presenters.

Who should attend: K-12 educators, employers, and community leaders

Place: Solving the Finance Puzzle with Creative Capital – How to Think Beyond Traditional Financing and Grants (Room: Nixon)

As communities across the region continue to pursue traditional funding sources for community projects, we invite you to join this session to learn about additional financing resources: mission-based lending through Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), state tax tools, and the redevelopment process to advance community development for housing and infrastructure projects.

Presenters: John Zody, CDFI Friendly Bloomington; Heidi Young, Indiana Economic Development Corporation; Keith Broadnax, Cinnaire; and Alex Crowley, Indiana Energy Independence Fund. Read more about these presenters.

Who should attend: community and economic development professionals, residential and commercial developers, government officials and representatives, nonprofits, and small businesses interested in financing

Community: The Rural Welcoming Initiative – How Rural Communities Can Thrive When All Are Included (Room: Windsor C)

ROI was selected to participate in Welcoming America’s Rural Welcoming Initiative. Please join us in learning about this new Indiana Uplands initiative. Communities will learn how to cultivate relationships, examine their current policies and programs, and align their local immigrant inclusion efforts to the Welcoming Standard.

Presenters: Julie Halbig, ROI, and Briana Broberg, Welcoming America. Read more about these presenters.

Who should attend: employers, economic development professionals, community development representatives, and government representatives

Industry: The Evolution of Life Sciences in the Uplands (Room: Kennedy)

Local sector leaders will share perspectives on how the changing complexion of medical device manufacturing and biopharma in our region continues to place the Uplands in the forefront nationally in life sciences and what this means for the Indiana Uplands.

Presenters: Dan Peterson, Cook Medical; Patrick Adams, Simtra; and Kate Kamel, Boston Scientific. Read more about these presenters.

Who should attend: employers, community leaders, economic development professionals, educators

Early Learning: Transforming the Future of Early Care and Education in the Indiana Uplands (Room: Truman)

Join us for a conversation about a $7.8 million Lilly Endowment grant that is powering an innovative vision to strengthen early care and education across the Indiana Uplands. This session will highlight the collaborative efforts of regional leaders, nonprofits, child care providers, and community partners—all working together to expand access to high-quality early learning opportunities. Discover how this initiative will shape a brighter future for our youngest learners.

Presenters: Jennifer Myers, Monroe Smart Start; Christine Harbeson, Community Foundation of Crawford County, Kim Grizzel, Boys & Girls Clubs of Harrison-Crawford Counties; Nicole Lampert, Dubois County Community Foundation; Andrea Tooley, Dubois County Community Foundation; and Suzanne Jackson, Greene County Foundation. Learn more about these presenters.

Who should attend: community leaders, educators, policymakers, and funders.

11:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch, Keynote Address, and Indiana Uplands Regional Innovation Awards (Room: Windsor A & B)

Attendees will have time to network and enjoy lunch together before a keynote presentation.

ROI proudly welcomes Dr. Angela Lewis, Technical Director at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, as our 2025 Keynote Speaker.

Following the keynote, ROI will also present the 2025 Indiana Uplands Regional Innovation Awards to honor education, workforce, economic development, and quality of place accomplishments in the Indiana Uplands.

1:45 – 3:30 p.m. Afternoon Working Sessions

Arts and Culture in the Indiana Uplands (Room: Windsor C)

Thanks to the generosity of the Lilly Endowment, our region, and others across the state, will be developing comprehensive regional Arts & Culture plans. Please join us for this working session led by Public Sphere Projects to begin building out a regional approach for advancing arts and culture in the Indiana Uplands.

Presenters: F. Philip Barash, Lucas Cowan, and Jennie Kovalcik, Public Sphere Projects, with Julie Halbig, ROI. Read more about these presenters.

Who should attend: economic development professionals, community development representatives, government representatives, and nonprofits

Everything Coming Up Orange (pre-confirmation required) (Room: Truman)

Local leaders will share a story of progress and potential borne from a commitment to activating the substantial assets that make Orange County one of Indiana’s true treasures. It’s a story that spans from poverty into possibility in Orange County. This session includes a trolley tour of historic French Lick and West Baden. Space is limited to 30 participants; pre-confirmation is required.

Presenters: Skylar Whiteman, Orange County Economic Development Partnership, and Chuck Franz, French Lick Resort. Read more about these presenters.

Who should attend: economic development professionals, community development representatives, government representatives, employers, and nonprofits

READI 2.0: Simplifying a Complicated Process (closed session for project leads) (Room: Roosevelt)

Learn about the next steps for your READI 2.0 project, including what documentation you will need to send to ROI to be reimbursed in a timely manner, helpful do’s and don’ts, and how to showcase your project for ribbon cuttings with IEDC.

Presenters: Heidi Young, Indiana Economic Development Corporation and Maren Harris, ROI. Read more about these presenters.

Who should attend: This session is exclusively for confirmed READI 2.0 project leads. Project leads will receive a separate invitation from ROI to attend this event.

ROI STEM Fellowship (closed session for Cohort 7) (Room: Kennedy)

This is a closed session for Cohort 7 STEM Fellows.

Presenter: Emily Menkedick, ROI Education Specialist

Who should attend: This session is exclusively for ROI STEM Fellows in Cohort 7.