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Community: The Rural Welcoming Initiative – How Rural Communities Can Thrive When All Are Included

ROI was selected to participate in Welcoming America’s Rural Welcoming Initiative. Please join us in learning about this new Indiana Uplands initiative. Communities will learn how to cultivate relationships, examine their current policies and programs, and align their local inclusion efforts to the Welcoming Standard.

February 18, 10:45-11:45 a.m. Breakout Session
Room: Windsor Ballroom C

Session Description

ROI was selected to participate in Welcoming America’s Rural Welcoming Initiative. Please join us in learning about this new Indiana Uplands initiative. Communities will learn how to cultivate relationships, examine their current policies and programs, and align their local inclusion efforts to the Welcoming Standard.

Who should attend: employers, economic development professionals, community development representatives, and government representatives

Session Presenters

Briana L. Broberg, Esq. is a Senior Regional Manager for Welcoming America. She provides technical assistance to members throughout the Midwest, supporting communities’ efforts to deepen their welcoming work through equitable and inclusive policies and programming. Being from a small town in Minnesota that has experienced significant demographic shifts, Briana understands the power of creating substantive, necessary change through the alignment of the public policy priorities of the local government, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, businesses, and individuals in order to build and maintain communities that are truly welcoming.

Julie Halbig is the Vice President for Community and Economic Development at ROI.

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