The Indiana Uplands region is comprised of 11 counties: Brown, Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Greene, Lawrence, Martin, Monroe, Orange, Owen, and Washington.
Population: 397,901
Area: 4,500 square miles
Cities and Towns: 48
Largest Cities:
- Bloomington
- Bedford
- Jasper
- Washington
Workforce: 194,00
Key Industry Sectors:
- National Security and Defense
- Life Sciences
- Advanced Manufacturing
- School Corporations: 27
- School-aged Children: 51,000
- Graduating Seniors Per Year: 3,600
- Higher Education Institutions: 3
In a region replete with talent and resources, Uplanders—from students to visionaries, artisans to entrepreneurs—are competitive and thriving here and worldwide. Find your place to thrive at www.inuplands.org.