April 13, 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Morning Breakout Session
Session Description
In 2021, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education began undertaking in-depth qualitative and quantitative research, including focus groups and surveys to understand why Hoosiers are – or increasingly aren’t – pursuing education and training beyond high school. Using the unique findings, the Commission has created a new language and messaging framework to better deliver positive messages around the value of higher education for people and for the state overall. The goal of this “Education Value Movement” is to help stem the college-going decline and encourage more Hoosier students and adult learners to pursue some form of education or training beyond high school. This session will explore college-going trends in the Indiana Uplands as well as detail findings from the Commission’s research.
Who should attend: K-12 educators and counselors, postsecondary educators and administrators, community organizations, employers, and government leaders
Session Presenters

Sean Tierney directs the Indiana Commission for Higher Education’s business intelligence research and data efforts, including the higher education reporting process. Prior to joining the Commission in 2016, he was state policy officer at Lumina Foundation. Previously, Tierney held fiscal policy and data research positions with the Maryland Higher Education Commission and the Tennessee Higher Education Commission.
He graduated from Vanderbilt University with a bachelor’s degree in economics, English, and sociology in 2009 and a master’s degree in public policy in 2011.

Allison Kuehr, Commission for Higher Education Communications and PR Director