April 13, 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Morning Breakout Session
Session Description
In this session, participants will learn about the launch of ROI’s UpSkill Work and Learn program from a panel of UpSkill employers, schools, and students. The panel will provide insight into how employers have embraced modern youth apprenticeships as a unique talent recruitment and retention strategy and the benefits to students. Learn how employers are providing high-quality work-based learning and mentorship while participating students are developing lasting connections to regional employers, careers, and their communities.
Who should attend: Employers, educators, counselors, community and workforce development professionals, and others.
Session Presenters

Kim Waldridge, Sector Specialist at Regional Opportunity Initiatives

Jen Staab, Career Connections Specialist at Regional Opportunity Initiatives

Stacey Martin, SAIC

Erica Dooley-Dorocke, Vice President of Marketing at Smithville

Apryl Kidd has served as the Director of COSMOS, the Collaboration of Shoals, Mitchell, and Orleans Schools, since 2018. She is committed to advancing the mission of COSMOS – Together, we create possibility by providing students the opportunity to draw outside the lines of traditional education to realize a brighter tomorrow. Apryl received her Master of Education from Western Governors University and was recently named Career Development Professional of the Year at the 2023 Work + Learn Indiana IMPACT Summit. She has participated in three of ROI’s Fellowships, including STEM, Career Coaching, and Grant Writing. Prior to her work with COSMOS, Apryl taught elementary school in Mitchell, Indiana.

Jaime Miller is the Ready Schools Coordinator for the Edgewood Schools. In her 14th year at Edgewood, Jaime has taught grades 3 and 4, served as a STEAM instructional coach, and now leads the design and implementation of the district’s Ready Schools initiative, a comprehensive plan to align STEAM programming with college and career readiness strategies. As the Ready Schools coordinator, Jaime works with district leaders, staff, and students to ensure that the ways we’re preparing our learners for post-secondary success align with the needs and expectations of our employers and community as a whole. Jaime first earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from DePauw University in Political Science and Spanish, then a Masters in Elementary Education and a graduate certificate in Instructional Design from Indiana University, and most recently, an administrator’s license from Indiana State University. Jaime is passionate about equipping others with the skills and confidence they need to be the designers of their own learning.

Logan Anderson, 12th-grade student from Edgewood High School

Sophie McDuffee, 12th-grade student from the North Lawrence Career Center

Nate Bowles, 11th-grade student at Mitchell High School