Indiana is home to one of the eight U.S. CHIPS and Science Act-funded regional innovation hubs within the Microelectronic Commons program. Each hub is tasked with advancing microelectronics (ME) technical development by accelerating domestic prototyping and cultivating a robust pipeline of skilled semiconductor professionals in the United States. The Silicon Crossroads Microelectronic Commons Hub is focusing on advancing expertise in emerging ME technologies, including Artificial Intelligence/Hardware, 5G/6G Technology, Commercial Leap-Ahead Technologies, Electromagnetic Warfare, Secure Edge Computing/Internet of Things, and Quantum Technology.

To support the Uplands defense industry ecosystem and enhance our region’s growing national prominence in microelectronics, ROI is working with our partners to develop ME education and training opportunities in the Indiana Uplands.

National Imperative for Industrial Skills: Rural Indiana Workforce Development for Microelectronics

In September 2024, ROI was awarded a three-year contract for $9,577,447 million for its multi-layered microelectronics (ME) workforce initiative. The project, funded through the Department of Defense (DoD)’s Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (IBAS) program, supports the National Defense Industrial Strategy’s strategic priorities of enhancing Supply Chain Resilience and Workforce Readiness. ROI’s multi-year approach may extend the project for two additional years for a five-year contract value of $15,017,577.

Over the life of the award, ROI will collaborate with K-12 schools, postsecondary colleges and universities, employer partners, and other institutions to develop and enhance the region’s microelectronics (ME) ecosystem and expertise through a Rural Indiana Workforce Development for Microelectronics project. Through vertically aligned and integrated activities, ROI and its partners will promote microelectronics-related careers, accelerate students and workers into and through training and development pipelines, and inspire the next generation of industrial skilled professionals. Examples of deployed activities across the 11 counties of the Indiana Uplands will include K-12 microelectronics education and career awareness outreach, Ivy Tech postsecondary certifications, youth apprenticeship programming with ME industry partners, and the development of an ME regional education and training hub. Stay tuned for more announcements.

Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement (SCALE) K-12 Microelectronics

ROI is facilitating K-12 school district curriculum alignment efforts with Indiana’s Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement (SCALE) network.

Led by Purdue University, funded by the Department of Defense, supported by financial matching from the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, and managed by NSWC Crane, SCALE is a public-private academic partnership to help prepare students for ME careers in the defense sector. The SCALE workforce development program includes unique courses, mentoring, internships, research projects, scholarships, and job placement. Learn more about SCALE K-12.

ROI works closely with participating SCALE K-12 school districts to create K-12 microelectronics (ME) vertical alignment (VA) plans. The plans will delineate teaching and learning related to microelectronics in a gradual progression of skills and career awareness, beginning in kindergarten, linking concepts and experiences from grade to grade. Learn more >>.

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