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READI Amount: $1,370,325
Matching Amount: $996,300
Lead Organization: The Mill
Counties Directly Impacted: Brown, Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Greene, Lawrence, Martin, Monroe, Orange, Owen, Washington
Code/IT Academy is a free, cohort-based program that provides upskilling in IT administration, web development, and associated technologies. After ten weeks of training, participants earn industry-recognized certifications (e.g., CompTIA Security+ certification, LinkedIn IT certificates, and AWS Cloud Practitioner certification). Originally launched in Bloomington, READI funding will allow The Mill to partner with Regional Opportunity Initiatives and Ivy Tech to expand the program first to Washington and Crawford counties and then to the entire Uplands region over the next three years.
- April 2024: Project Update: Applications open for Code/IT in Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Monroe, Orange, and Washington Counties. Apply by May 31
- October 2023 Project Update: Creating coders: Code/IT Academy expands to Crawford and Washington counties
- May 2023 Project Update: The Mill receives grant to expand Code/IT Academy