The Indiana Uplands Regional Innovation Awards recognize deserving people, organizations, and projects that have made meaningful improvements to education, workforce, economic development, and quality of place within the 11 counties of the Uplands region.
The awards highlight the amazing people and groups working to make the Indiana Uplands a terrific place to work, live, learn, and play!
Nominations are now open for third annual awards. Any member of the public may nominate an individual, entity, or effort for one or more of the awards listed below. Nominations must be complete by September 22, 2020, and awardees will be recognized during the ROI Annual Report to the Region to be held virtually on Tuesday, October 13, 2020.
Award Categories & Descriptions:
- The Becky Skillman Regional Leadership Award recognizes an individual or organization that has shown uncommon dedication to bringing the Indiana Uplands region together in pursuit of regional success and prosperity.
- The Talent Innovation Award recognizes an entity that has designed and deployed an innovative strategy for improving our regional workforce through training, skill advancement, or talent attraction to the Indiana Uplands.
- The STEM Innovation Award recognizes a program or organization that has made meaningful and novel contributions to STEM education or training in the Indiana Uplands.
- The Pathway Innovation of the Year is awarded for a K-12 or post-secondary pathway in advanced manufacturing, defense, healthcare, life sciences, or technology that aligns student learning with the employment ecosystem of the Uplands region.
- The Regional Collaboration Award recognizes two or more organizations that have worked collaboratively to advance prosperity for residents of the Uplands region through education, economic, or quality of place efforts.
- The Quality of Place Innovation Award recognizes projects and meaningful community improvements that enhance the Indiana Uplands as an inventive, industrious, and friendly place to live, work, and play.
- New in 2020! The Uplands Regional Resiliency Award will recognize organizations in the Uplands that have persevered through a crisis, pivoting successfully by adapting to change that was unforeseen and beyond their control. This award will honor those who have risen to a challenge and, by doing so, have advanced resilience in their community and the Uplands region.
- New in 2020! The Uplands Diversity Award will honor individuals or organizations that have implemented innovative strategies for attracting and/or retaining diversity in the regional workforce.
Register to Attend The ROI Annual Report to The Region
See award winners from previous years
About Regional Opportunity Initiatives, Inc.:
The mission of Regional Opportunity Initiatives (ROI) is to advance economic and community prosperity in the 11 counties of the Indiana Uplands (Brown, Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Greene, Lawrence, Martin, Monroe, Orange, Owen, and Washington counties). ROI is implementing education, workforce, and quality of place initiatives across the Uplands region.