The STEM Fellowship is a year-long professional development program to support teachers to integrate STEM concepts and employability skills into daily instruction.
Over the course of the year, Fellows meet monthly to learn new and engaging ways to build STEM knowledge and skills in their classrooms as well as strategies to help their colleagues grow as STEM educators. We envision Fellows as “pebbles in a pond:” one enthusiastic champion for STEM in a school can have a huge impact. Students, teachers, and administrators across the Indiana Uplands are reaping the benefits of having STEM Fellows serving in their district.
Findings outlined in the ROI Occupational Needs Assessment consistently highlight the importance of having STEM-literate students to meet current and future workforce needs within the Indiana Uplands. Highly skilled graduates also provide a basis for continued economic growth and prosperity. A student competent in STEM knowledge and skills can find success in a variety of fields, but particularly in the Uplands’ three primary sectors of advanced manufacturing, life sciences and national security and defense.
The initiative develops leaders and STEM experts who:
- Provide support to colleagues
- Model innovative STEM lessons
- Participate in professional development activities focused on experiential learning, engineering design process, project-based learning, computer science and other relevant topics
- Actively contribute to the Uplands regional STEM teacher network
STEM Fellows are active classroom teachers serving kindergarten through 8th grade. Fellows are asked to attend all STEM Fellows professional development events over the course of the Fellowship year, to serve as a STEMbassador to peers in the second year, and to be a catalyst for STEM growth within their school. Questions? Contact: Emily Menkedick, Education Specialist, emily@regionalopportunityinc.org.
Recent News on STEM Fellows
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- Nomination Announcement: STEM FellowsUplands Middle School Principals: Nominate a middle school teacher for the 2022-2023 STEM Fellowship cohort by Friday, May 20th.
- ROI awarded Indiana Commission for Higher Education grant for STEM Fellows programRegional Opportunity Initiatives has been awarded an $85,000 grant from the Indiana Commission for Higher Education’s STEM Teacher Recruitment Fund.
- ROI’s STEM Fellows Program Grows to 97 Educators Working to Advance Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math in Regional K-6 SchoolsThe 17 K-6 educators chosen for ROI’s 5th cohort will begin their fellowship year in August, bringing the total number to 97 Fellows working to advance science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) activities in Indiana Uplands classrooms and schools.
- ROI adds 16 regional educators to STEM fellowship programSixteen K-6 educators from the Indiana Uplands region will spend a year developing teaching and leadership skills to advance science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) activities in classrooms and schools.
- Nominations open for STEM Fellows Cohort 4The principal nomination window for Cohort 4 of STEM Fellows is now open!
- 35 educators graduate from STEM Fellow programNine months ago, the third STEM Fellows cohort embarked on an education and leadership journey to improve STEM education throughout the Indiana Uplands.
- Fueling the passion for STEM: ROI’s adds 32 elementary and middle school teachers to fellowship programFellows develop skills to become a STEM leader within their schools and encourage other teachers to integrate STEM into their curriculum.
- Eighteen Indiana Uplands school teachers begin year-long STEM Fellowship programEighteen educators from schools in the Indiana Uplands gathered July 30-31 at WonderLab Museum to begin a year-long leadership and teaching program to advance science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) activities in K-6 schools.