Do you want to learn how to become a small real estate developer for a project in your neighborhood? Are you an advocate or local leader looking to encourage better buildings in your community?
Join us in Salem (Jan 29), Bloomington (Jan 29), and Jasper (Jan 30) for “Cultivating Neighborhoods & the Small Scale Development Movement” in collaboration with the Incremental Development Alliance. Free for attendees, food & drinks provided.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Salem: 11:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m., City of Salem Senior Center, REGISTER NOW
Bloomington: 4:30- 6:00 p.m., FAR Center for Contemporary Art, REGISTER NOW
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Jasper: 11:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m., Schnitzelbank, REGISTER NOW
Who Should Attend?
- Individuals in construction, design, planning, or real estate looking to either enhance their current practice or make a career transition
- Volunteers or professionals in business associations, main streets associations, historic preservation groups, and neighborhood improvement groups looking to champion incremental development in their communities
- Public sector professionals in city management, economic development, planning, and related agencies who are looking to make it easier for small development projects to occur in their town
- Professionals in non-profit development organizations, churches, and community development or housing development organizations who need new strategies for small lot development
- Private banking professionals specializing in mortgages, commercial real estate loans, or SBA loans and professionals at Community Development Financial Institutions and community foundations who want to become more effective investors
Have questions? Contact Julie Halbig at juliehalbig@regionalopportunityinc.org.