On January 17, homebuyer Dustin accepted the keys to his new home in Bloomington’s Osage Place neighborhood. Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County hosted a special open house with neighbors, volunteers, board members, community supporters, and staff to celebrate Dustin’s journey to homeownership.
Dustin’s home is the first of three Osage Place homes funded through a $315,000 Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI) 1.0 grant awarded by the Indiana Uplands READI steering committee and Regional Opportunity Initiatives. Osage Place is located on eight acres on the southwest side of Bloomington, west of the intersection of Rockport and Rogers Roads. Homes in the Osage Place neighborhood are built for residents and families with household earnings between 25 and 80 percent of the area median income.

In 2021, Habitat began the development of the Osage Place neighborhood adjacent to RCA Park and nearby Summit Elementary School and Switchyard Park. Since then, critical infrastructure has been developed, including streets, utilities and sidewalks. To date, seven homes have been completed and turned over to Habitat partner families. Three additional homes are constructed and are awaiting home closures.
When both phases of the neighborhood are completed, Osage Place will include more than 60 affordable single-family and paired homes.
About the Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI) in the Indiana Uplands
In May 2021, Indiana Gov. Eric J. Holcomb and the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) launched the Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI 1.0), a transformational initiative with $500 million in state appropriations to promote strategic investments to make Indiana a magnet for talent and economic growth.
Through READI 1.0, regions worked collaboratively to create visions for the future, with programs, initiatives, and projects critical to retaining talent and attracting the workforce of tomorrow. Seventeen regions developed plans that outline strategies focused on improving the quality of place, quality of life, and quality of opportunity. The Indiana Uplands plan, entitled “A Region on the Rise,” can be accessed on the ROI website at https://regionalopportunityinc.org/readi
To help regions achieve their goals, the IEDC awarded READI 1.0 funds to accelerate the implementation of regional development plans and the programs and projects identified that will catalyze economic and population growth. The Indiana Uplands was awarded $30 million in READI 1.0 funds for our “Region on the Rise.” Regions were expected to provide a 4:1 match in support of projects and programs. This includes a required 1:1 match from local public funding and a recommended 3:1 match from private and philanthropic sources.
In the Uplands region, 27 projects received READI 1.0 funding. For more information and announcements on Indiana Uplands READI 1.0 projects, please visit: https://regionalopportunityinc.org/readi-projects/
In September 2023, READI 2.0 was announced. Launched by Gov. Holcomb and led by the IEDC, READI 2.0 continues to build on the framework and successes of the Indiana Regional Cities Initiative and the 21st Century Talent Initiative, encouraging regional collaboration and data-driven, long-term planning that, when implemented, will attract and retain talent in Indiana. Building on the success of READI 1.0, which allocated $487 million to 361 projects, the $500 million READI fund, part of the 2023 Next Level Agenda and approved by the Indiana General Assembly, continues this mission. More information is available at IndianaREADI.com.